Customized Weather Information
for your Weather Sensitive Business
Get accurate weather information, forecasts, and updates from New England Weather Associates. We serve weather-sensitive businesses with accurate weather information to help plan and manage construction projects, outdoor events, and utility usage. Our service includes early morning initial contact, email reports sent to you daily, and unlimited telephone consultation throughout each working day.
Our Clients
Consult directly with a meteorologist for pressing weather concerns that may affect your business operations. We frequently work with commercial roofing companies, construction contractors, and crane operators to keep them up-to-date on changing weather conditions. Utility firms also utilize our services to estimate heating and cooling needs. Additionally, we advise ski areas on times when the temperature and humidity will be low enough to make snow and how long those conditions will remain. And we now (in Boston and surrounding communities) serve residential landscape firms, home roofers and home contruction companies at a lower service fee.
Personalized Consulting
We understand that every business has different weather information needs and will customize a plan based on your circumstance(s) and location(s). When concerned about the weather, talking one-on-one with a meteorological consultant provides added assurance and confidence in your making the right decisions in your planning and operations. Not only extremely helpful in planning, having that one-on-one phone consultation access to your onsite contractor foremen will often be invaluable when concerned about approaching weather changes. In addition to direct one-on-one phone consultation, we also offer detailed weather forecast reports by email, if requested. Fees depend on the required services.
